If you've been looking for the simplest business opportunity on the planet, you can stop looking now.

Become an RTPR Vendor. Buy at Wholesale. Sell at Retail.
Reasonable start-up cost, no monthly requirements and no autoships. Simply buy product when you want and sell it at a profit. To get started selling at events in your area, you will need about $200 in product.

Make Money...
"As a mother of two, I decided I wanted to make some extra money by selling Real Time at the local flea market. Within a few months, I was making more money than I have ever made in my life."
—Faith F., Colorado Springs, CO
Do Well by Doing Good...
"After retiring three years ago, I wanted to make money and have fun doing it. RTPR made that happen. People try the product, it works, they see the potential and they want more information. It's that easy."
—Ernie G., Randolph, MA
...And Make a Difference in the Fight Against America's #1 Health Crisis.
"The magnitude of pain in the United States is astounding. More than 116 million Americans suffer from chronic or acute pain."
Philip Pizzo, MD, Dean of the Stanford University School of Medicine, and Noreen Clark, Ph.D., professor of health at the University of Michigan